
  • A picture of the reading list app.

    React Google Books API Reading List

    This site allows users to save a Reading List to a MongoDB backend. The user searches the Google Books API to find interesting titles to read next. The app is built from scratch in React, and it uses React components, hooks, and custom hooks.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the React Employee Directory app.

    React Employee Directory

    A React website, featuring use of State and 2-way-data-binding to filter results. The website hits an API and returns filterable results rendered in React Components.

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    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Tee Time Scheduler app.

    Tee Time Scheduler

    A React website, built as a group project in my Coding Bootcamp. I was the lead on learning and implementing Tailwind CSS for this site. I collaborated with teammates who lead the way on implementing Google OAuth. The site uses a weather API and a calendar package.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the MySQL ORM Burger app.

    Full Stack MySQL Burger App

    This app features the ORM (Object Relational Mapping) programming technique to control a MySQL database deployed on Heroku! The app has a fun flair, but it's a serious full-stack website with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capabilities, deployed in a fashion similar to a restaurant's ordering site or an online retailer's shopping cart.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Workout Tracker app.

    MongoDB Fitness Tracker App

    A fitness tracker app hooked up to a MongoDB backend. The app tracks your workout stats on the "Dashboard" tab.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Budget Tracker app.

    Online/Offline Budget Tracker

    A Progressive Web App. This budget tracker has a MongoDB backend, but it also works offline to save users' changes to a noSQL IndexedDB in the web browser. The backend is updated when an online connection is restored.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the JavaScript Password Generator app.

    Random Password Generator

    A random password generator programmed in JavaScript. I am proud of the way I utilized arrays in programming this app.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Work Day Scheduler app.

    Work Day Scheduler

    A scheduling calendar that features extensive use of "getters" and "setters" to store the calendar entries in your browser's local storage.

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    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Readme Generator app.

    Node Readme Generator

    A NodeJS app that automatically generates a file for GitHub repositories. Check out the YouTube video linked below where I demonstrate the code.

    Link to Repo

    Link to YouTube Demonstration Video

  • A picture of the MySQL Employee CMS app.

    MySQL Employee Tracker System

    I coded a CMS that takes user prompts and creates a MySQL employee database. The app runs entirely in NodeJS with no frontend. So, clone and run locally or check out the YouTube Demo.

    Link to Repo

    Link to YouTube Demonstration Video

  • A picture of the Team Site Template Engine CMS app.

    Team Website Template Engine

    A template engine that automatically generates an HTML website. This app features Object Oriented Programming and code tested in JestJS.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

    Link to YouTube Demonstration Video

    Link to Object Oriented Programming Demo Video

  • A picture of the Introversion app.

    Introversion App

    An app that helps introverts come up with jokes and topics for small talk. This app was created in collaboration with a group during my coding bootcamp at the University of Minnesota!

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the Bloodsport JavaScript Quiz app.

    JavaScript Quiz

    A fun JavaScript quiz with some serious JavaScript, CSS, and dynamic HTML and DOM Tree traversal and manipulation under the hood. Especially exciting for Jean-Claude Van Damme fans and fans of the movie Bloodsport.

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    Link to Deployed Page