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Portfolio Highlights

  • A picture of the reading list app.

    React Google Books API Reading List

    This site allows users to save a Reading List to a MongoDB backend. The user searches the Google Books API to find interesting titles to read next. The app is built from scratch in React, and it uses React components, hooks, and custom hooks.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the React Employee Directory app.

    React Employee Directory

    A React website, featuring use of State and 2-way-data-binding to filter results. The website hits an API and returns filterable results rendered in React Components.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page

  • A picture of the React Full Stack MySQL Burger app.

    Full Stack MySQL Burger App

    This app features the ORM (Object Relational Mapping) programming technique to control a MySQL database deployed on Heroku! The app has a fun flair, but it's a serious full-stack website with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capabilities, deployed in a fashion similar to a restaurant's ordering site or an online retailer's shopping cart.

    Link to Repo

    Link to Deployed Page