What is the difference between let and var?
A:Let defines variables on a global scope, while var defines variables on a local scope.
Let does the same exact thing as var, and there is no difference, at all, between the two.
Let defines variables on the local scope, while var defines variables on a global scope.
Frank Dux preferred let, and he suddenly appears to punch web developers that use var.
What is this character { called?
A:The squigly lines.
Curly brackets or curly braces.
Curly parenthesis.
Curly teeth.
Select the correct example of camel case.
The pop() method applied to this array will return what?
sampleArray["Scorpion", "SubZero", "Sonya", "Johnny Cage"]
A:"Johnny Cage"
Actor Forest Whitaker portrays the character Rawlins, trying to apprehend Jean Claude Van Damme's character in Blood Sport. For which movie did Forest Whitaker win an Oscar?
A:The Butler
The Color of Money
The Last King of Scotland
The Crying Game